NCCA Teachers’ Forum
The Teachers' Forum part of NCCA is a loose-knit group
of clogging teachers and those interested in any
aspect of teaching or cueing. The attitude of clogging
teachers in this area has always been one of sharing
for everyone's benefit. More experienced teachers are
happy to help those who are new to teaching.
Each issue of the Clog-A-Gram includes a section
geared towards teachers and leaders. This is the
Teachers' Forum Notes. Check out a sample of
a past issue. The Teachers' Forum Notes are included
at no extra charge to all members.
The Teachers' Forum also meets once or twice a year
to discuss issues concerning teachers or hold seminars
for new and experienced teachers. All topics of
interest can be covered.
Contact Lois
Elling if you're interested in the next
Teachers' Forum meetings.
Meeting on April
30, 2016
Ten clogging instructors met on April 30th of this year
for some extremely informative discussions. Several
instructors gave mini-presentations on Teaching
Beginners (Lois), Tap vs. Clogging
(Sarah), Writing Dances (Richard), Performing
(Ian), Adapting Classes for Seniors and Others
(Janice), and Teaching Out of State (Michele).
After a short lunch break, we continued with discussions
on additional topics such as: beginner dances, teacher
and dancer etiquette, teaching advanced steps, club
management and insurance, tips for newer
instructor/cuers, wireless mics, and more. Everyone came
away with loads of new information. Thanks to the
following for coming and contributing to the meeting:
Lois Elling, Carol Smith, Sarah Dwight-Gilroy, Heather
Smith, Janice Hanzel, Richard Willyard, Deann Norris,
Kellee Ramirez, Ian Enriquez, and Alli Zamora.
Meeting on May 11,
to all
the dancers and teachers who
attended the spring 2013 Teachers' Forum meeting
in San Leandro. A lot of
good information was shared
and learned.
For a summary
of the
meeting, see
the July, 2013
issue of the
NCCA Clog-A-Gram.
Meeting on Jan. 8, 2011
Several teachers and dancers
attended the Teachers’ Forum meeting at Barrett
Community Center in Belmont. We covered many
topics and a summary of the meeting and
discussions is in the Februrary issue of the
Meeting - Jan. 2010
The last Teachers’
Forum meeting was Jan. 23, 2010 at
Barrett Community Center, in Belmont, CA before the
Blossom Hill Cloggers Winter Dance. There was a
terrific turnout at this meeting and we had some great
discussions. See the February, 2010 issue of the
Clog-A-Gram for a summary of the meeting.
Meeting in 2008
Several teachers met in San Leandro on July 26 and
had a very productive and informative meeting.
Everyone came away with some new ideas and everyone
contributed. Some of the topics we covered were:
- Advertising a class
- Adjusting your teaching style to fit the dancers
- Clogging suppliers and vendors
- Teaching and cueing styles in other areas
- What not to do when teaching at an open workshop
- Digitizing music
- Getting dancers interested in becoming teachers
- Attracting new dancers
- Northern California Dance List
- What makes a good clogging dance
- Equipment and systems used
June, 2004 Seminar
In June, 2004, we held a day-long seminar that
included presentations and discussions on the
following topics:
- Fundamentals of Music and Clogging Steps
- Basics of Teaching
- Teaching Beginners
- Teaching at a Club or On-going Class
- Teaching Seniors
- Sound Equipment & Media Introduction
- Cueing
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